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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

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Very Important Player (VIP) Program

Providing a Unique and Exciting Soccer Program

 for Children with Special Needs

EPIC Program Director (formerly VIP)

The AYSO EPIC program was designed to provide a quality soccer experience for children with special needs whose physical, mental or emotional challenges prevent them from successfully participating on mainstream teams. EPIC teams may include, but are not limited to, those who are
  • Visually impaired
  • Amputees or conditions that impair mobility
  • Autistic
  • Downs Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy

These special children are very important in AYSO. We recognize that all children need to feel a sense of belonging, acceptance and accomplishment. The EPIC Program offers all of this and carries AYSO’s philosophy that Everyone Plays®.

EPIC Goals and Objectives:
  • To give children with special needs the opportunity to play soccer
  • To learn the basic skills of the game
  • To learn teamwork and fair play
  • To increase positive self esteem
  • To have fun!

An important aspect of the EPIC program is the participation of “buddies”. The lower division EPIC players (ages 11 and under) are paired with a mainstream player who can assist and give direction to our special players as needed. This program gives our “buddies” a chance to get to know all of our players and provides them with a unique opportunity to “make a difference” in the life of a special needs child.

Our EPIC program also has an upper division for older kids (ages 12 and over) who may or may not have had more experience. There is no age limit for these players.

EPIC Registration for Fall Season
When:   Registration for EPIC players will usually remain open until August 1st. 
Fee:      $25.00 / EPIC Player
How:     Standard registration procedure – make sure to select the EPIC program, not the Core program 

While formal registration begins in April or May, registration for EPIC players will remain open until August 1st. The EPIC Program is open to all players whose physical, mental or emotional needs prevent him or her from participating successfully on a mainstream AYSO team. Players will play within our local Area 11-L communities in South Orange County and play games weekly on Saturday's against other AYSO EPIC teams. An EPIC tournament is also held each Fall Season, usually in October in San Clemente. 

If you have any questions or would like more information regarding this unique program, please contact our EPIC Program Director at [email protected].

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Contact Us

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Region 630

31441 Santa Margarita, Suite A-280
Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688

Email Us: [email protected]
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